Blood in the Cosmos
I got a sticker at the blood center for giving away eight pints over a year: O positive disbursed into alien veins yet can I call them aliens when my […]
I got a sticker at the blood center for giving away eight pints over a year: O positive disbursed into alien veins yet can I call them aliens when my […]
Scrub out mutated genesgiving rise to mutated bodies,bodies we don’t wantcirculating in our better society. Lewy minds and cancered lungsfloat in history, twenty-first centurydeaths we’ve vaulted beyond. Are we ready? […]
On a sandy rock outside your shoreline window, a Blue-Footed Booby mocks your sexual stumbling as you try to caress Sandy’s right breast but she pushes you out of […]
I leaned my neural ganglia of dirt road origin up against The Millennium Tower Pa welded a decade ago when sparks leapt like […]
in a root of speed where tree ring limbs sprouted through my boyhood’s bed frame confinement. The door opened to you spotting my boysenberries bursting within a box of adolescent […]
Seven years into divinity, Sammy plucked his translucent wings free. He needed to slip onto a bar stool without the pressure of sainthood pressing down like a crushed dragonfly dead […]
Her body speaks in canopied shadow. Stepping into starlight, her mind speaks before a crowd of leaves listening through green attention. Her body speaks against glossy beauty painted […]
Night arrives on four haunches when I kick the capsule hatch free and flounder through a New Mexican night. An alpha to my voyeuristic species, my claws skitter-scatter over a […]
Do you remember last spring? I remember Samantha and I argued and then fucked. Or did we fuck first and argue later? Wine blurs time yet I know […]
On Monday, I slipped out of my skin in the parking lot, leaving my freckles rotting in the sun. On Tuesday, I gave my liver a vacation in […]