March 3

Starting Points Reading Series

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With co-host Keith Gaboury, join us for our next reading, Sunday, March 3rd at Summer Bar & Lounge, featuring Karla Brundage and Alie Jones! And as always, our fabulous Open Mic!
Karla Brundage is a Bay Area based poet, activist, and educator with a passion for social justice. She believes that in order to restore balance and to reclaim our humanity racist structures must be dismantled. A Pushcart Prize nominee, she is the author of Swallowing Watermelons and Mulatta- Not so Tragic co- co-authored with Allison Frances. Her work is found in Konch, Hip Mama, sPARKLE & bLINK, and MiGoZine amongst others. She is the founder of West Oakland to West Africa Poetry Exchange and thrives on her work with youth and across the African diaspora. She is super excited about her newest book, Blood Lies: Race Trait(or) which she will be reading from tonight, and which challenges the idea of racial purity by exposing how language can shape our realities.
Alie Jones is a self-care advocate, writer, artist, and Creole mermaid. She is Co-founder and Director of Black Freighter Press, a revolutionary press committed to the exploration of liberation, using art to transform consciousness. Alie graduated with her MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Mills College. She is the host of the podcast called Chit Chat with Aliecat , a platform to explore self-care practices and journeys of self-love in community.