My Services
Need help with your poetry?
With the time and dedication a poet must pour into writing a manuscript, a manuscript can feel like an extension of a poet. I know. I've felt the same way. When you have a group of poems you believe comprises a full-length manuscript, how do you organize the poems in order to create a continuous flow? Is there a poem(s) that could still be stronger? I'm here to help.
Have you hit a roadblock with a poem?
Do you want to improve your poem but you're not sure how?
Are the images in conversation with each other?
Can the metaphor(s) / simile(s) be made stronger? I'm here to help.
You have a strong poem you truly believe in, but are you having trouble finding a literary home to share your poetry? Is the submission and publishing process to get your works into the literary world intimidating? I'm here to help.
Has a literary press just accepted your poetry manuscript? Congratulations! Are you now looking for a poet to write a blurb that will appear on your book? After your book is released, are you looking for a poet to write a book review? I'm here to help.
here's how I can help
Poetry Manuscript Coaching
A fresh set of eyes on your manuscript to elevate it to the next level!
• Manuscript Workshop to view your poems and recommend an organizational flow and table of contents so that your poems feel like a continuous whole rather than standalone poems.
• In addition to the Manuscript Workshop, I provide an intensive one-on-one consultation where I will make specific recommendations for each individual poem. I'll provide revisions for each poem as needed to ensure the quality reaches its full poetic potential.
Both of these services are fully customizable based on your poetry style and needs, and my aim is to help you be/become the best poet YOU can be.
Workshop An Individual Poem
In a supportive and encouraging workshop, I'll provide specific suggestions that I believe will elevate your poem to the next level. By the end of this workshop, my hope is that you'll feel excited to return to the poetic page with a new framework in mind to improve your poem.
• Written comments on a poem (no Zoom)
• Written comments and a workshop on Zoom
How To Get Your Poetry Published
How does a poet become a published poet? I'm eager to give you a crash course in the poetry submission process. I'll provide a printable guide with helpful advice and links. You'll also have the ability to upgrade your service to include a Zoom meeting with me to give an overview of the guide and answer your specific questions.
• Poetry Submission Guide (no Zoom)
• Poetry Submission Guide with an overview on Zoom
I'll Write A Review / Blurb For Your Poetry Book
Do you have a soon-to-be released poetry book and/or a newly released poetry book?
• I'll write a 50 - 150 word blurb that will appear on your book
and / or
• I'll write a 600 - 800 word book review that you can use for promotional purposes