I read my horoscope in coffee grains.
With my future only in pulverized form,
I go out walking.
At the West MacArthur intersection,
I spot a lost cat poster
pinned to a street pole
like another messiah I don’t believe in.
More than the holes
in a crucified man’s hands,
I’ve come to worship
a caffeinated spike.
I slurp back my religion
as I stare into this cat’s gemstone eyes:
I know this feline —
his name is Jose.
My girlfriend Brittany
claimed him last Easter
after his stray fur
darted into a dirty Lake Merritt.
On a Good Friday
crucified in memory, I snuggled with Jose
when Brittany said we were done.
I must say she’s my ex.
I’ve held this back until now.
Do you still trust me? We’ll search
for Jose together
down north Oakland sidewalks.
My horoscope says I must keep active
or my imagination will escape me
akin to a cat surviving in the urban wild.
Originally published in The Town: An Anthology of Oakland Poets (Nomadic Press, August 2023)